
Profile: kain aniime (aniime)

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# by aniime on 02/02/07 at 19:06:03

great great great job!!!!! im using it and its the best service icon pack in my opinion but!!
there are still some services missing. like QQ!!! is there anything u can do with it? it would be so great..
it is very beautiful already.. but as i said , still not complished :(
if u find some time please consider it ;)
thnx a lot great job!!

# by aniime on 01/30/07 at 20:33:39

BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO!!!! SO COOL, looks great even with black background so cool!!! thnx a lot great job

# by aniime on 01/30/07 at 20:01:30

in my opinion it is the most simple and most beautiful menu icon set. in the picture it is so great. but it doesn't works :(
i got only online icon, and if i got message or i am off - it looks the same... can u try to rapair it? i will be very greatful, cause its very pretty :)... i use adium 1.0b24, could it be a reason of this problem?? thnx...

# by aniime on 04/12/06 at 05:27:41

it is one of my favorite and in my opinion one of the bests SERVICE icon pack---but why it doesn't chang all service icons, only the small ones :( try please!! the grey themes suites to so many grafic enviroments! and they are aqua it's so beautiful ... but now i have pretty small icons next to names in conntact list and big colorful in bubbles, bleh ;)
thnx anyway!! its' really good!