
Profile: Noah Liebman (noleli)

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# by noleli on 09/14/05 at 09:11:57

Zaudragon, you'll have to change the keyword to be compatible with the new /keyword behavior.
(I've been using this script for a while now, and it is indispensable!)

# by noleli on 06/09/05 at 18:33:10

La, you put %_rss anywhere you can type text: messages, away/status messages, user profiles, and probably display names, though I don't use MSN.

# by noleli on 03/26/05 at 19:56:30

Actually no, because Adium only updates info from its scripts ever 30 seconds. So I could update headlines more often, but that would just mean Adium itself would skip some.

# by noleli on 01/19/05 at 13:49:08

Macaddct1984 - It actually cycles through the headlines at the interval you specify in the app. So if you have it set for 5 minutes, it would show the top headline for 5 minutes, then the 2nd headline for 5 minutes, etc. As for displaying more than one headline simultainiously, there is no was to do this currently.
Perhaps if I get bored at some point down the line... :)

# by noleli on 01/13/05 at 20:17:17

Be sure you install the XML Scripting Addition, as described in the directions above. ;)