
Profile: J G (jarrellgriarte)

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# by jarrellgriarte on 03/12/06 at 20:45:00

Awesome icons!
I like leia duck for incoming and the opening storyline for new messages!

Great stuff!!!!!

# by jarrellgriarte on 03/12/06 at 18:44:46

Very nice.
I want my entire setup to look like that. Very clean.

Just a few questions:
1) Where do you get Adium 1.x?
2) About your contact list. How did you get your account's picture, status, and name on the top?

Very cool. Thanks a lot!!!!

# by jarrellgriarte on 03/12/06 at 18:34:57

Awesome list!!
How did u get the top portion of the list. Where you can see your own picture, status, and name?