
Profile: Mark Breitenbach (Zhinjio)

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# by Zhinjio on 05/28/06 at 20:25:26

Ok, I just removed all references to 'font' in the main.css, and I now have control over that. Its a temporary fix, but I figured you'd want to know.

# by Zhinjio on 05/28/06 at 19:43:21

I can confirm. I can't change fonts in this style either. If it weren't for that, I'd be using it 100% of the time. Please help.

# by Zhinjio on 02/23/06 at 03:23:19

So I'd use this but for one thing. I'm completely addicted to having all my screen elements be light fonts on dark backgrounds. Any possibility of a 'dark' variant?

- ZJ