
Profile: Ribs (ribs15183)

Comment Count 3 comments
2 xtras

Latest comments

# by ribs15183 on 03/02/08 at 10:22:17

Hey Tony... you're absolutely right, I was hasty. I added you to the credits and will gladly redesign if you'd like.

# by ribs15183 on 03/07/07 at 20:06:03

This looks awesome but doesn't work for me. 'Adiumy Mets.1' shows up in my preferences with no character next to it and selecting it does nothing.

# by ribs15183 on 08/24/06 at 18:42:26

I click the 'install' link and it seems the sound set downloads, but it never installs in my Preferences. This is the first time I've epxerienced this. Any suggestions?
