
Profile: Steve Guntrip (stevierar)

Comment Count 3 comments
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# by stevierar on 08/17/04 at 16:13:03

Hi, I ported all the animated ones - and some that I edited myself

Including (carse)(cmid)(cmid)(cmid)(cmid)(cmid)(cmid)(cmid)(cmid)(cmid)(cmid)(cmid)(cmid)(chead) which forms a giant catapillar!!

And yay for trillian, I was told that if the Trillian or Design Hazard people complain that they will be taken down.

Also - the :& one is replaced. My trillian converted friends are MSN users, and the MSN :& is embarassed so I changed that one, sorry!

# by stevierar on 08/11/04 at 06:47:50

Mehehehe, these are ace!

# by stevierar on 08/03/04 at 12:44:04

