
Profile: Ian Kaumeyer (iankaumeyer)

Comment Count 10 comments
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# by iankaumeyer on 03/10/08 at 14:58:06

You can find a modified nib file here:

All you have to do is replace the nib file within Adium with that and it'll give you that bottom bar.

# by iankaumeyer on 02/25/08 at 19:28:16

I'm really enjoying this dock icon.

# by iankaumeyer on 05/17/07 at 10:59:26


# by iankaumeyer on 04/13/07 at 21:49:03

Where did this wonderful extra go? I miss the unfied look it gave Adium!

# by iankaumeyer on 03/24/07 at 21:05:49

Very promising look. The fact that the icons are slightly large and the lack of a new message icon is what is making me shy away from this set though.