
Profile: skillet

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# by skillet on 05/29/12 at 22:38:33

Is there a way to have this script update more often or is that totally dependent on Adium? It seems like it is random when it updates and often takes more than 5 minutes to update. I'm using Adium 1.5 and OS 10.7.4

# by skillet on 05/17/12 at 21:56:45

Sorry posted too soon remove the minutes at the end since that already gets added by the countdown script and is just redundant in the message.

# by skillet on 05/17/12 at 21:53:43

You can change the mess and also "go online" to "go away" which would make more sense with the current message posted.

# by skillet on 05/17/12 at 21:51:25

Here is an AppleScript I wrote to work with this

set addTime to 25

on getTimeInHoursAndMinutes(aDate)
set ts to time string of aDate

set hm to text 1 thru word 2 of ts
if ((count ts's words) is 4) then set hm to hm & space & word 4 of ts

return hm
end getTimeInHoursAndMinutes

set myBreak to (my getTimeInHoursAndMinutes((current date) + addTime * minutes))

tell application "Adium" to go online with message "Back @ " & myBreak & " in %_countdown{" & myBreak & "} minutes"