
Profile: David Blche (monoclast)

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# by monoclast on 11/20/11 at 05:57:37

You say "stdout and stderr get closed right away". I'm not sure I completely understand this though. Can you help me by answering a couple questions please?:

Is Adium responsible for closing STDERR and STDOUT? If so, why would Adium do that?

Is there a way I could somehow re-open STDERR and STDOUT in a Perl script?

Why am I able to echo things out to a file from a shell script (echo "blah" > file), but not print to a file (open FILE, print FILE "blah") in a Perl script?

# by monoclast on 11/19/11 at 16:17:55

For the life of me, I can't get this extra to work on Lion. I'm using the latest version (1.1) - just downloaded and installed from your link above.

I've got Adium set up to use the "Pipe event to command" action for the "You connect" event, pointing to a Perl script at /usr/local/bin/adium_events.

The script has execute permissions, and runs fine manually from the command line. I have it logging out to a log file so I can see when it runs.

It never gets run from Adium when I connect.

I've also tried setting it to run this very simple command:

/usr/bin/osascript -l AppleScript -e "tell application "Finder" to beep"

Nothing happens when I connect. No joy. : (

# by monoclast on 11/19/11 at 14:44:10

Much thanks. : )

# by monoclast on 11/18/11 at 14:36:00

Trying to get version 1.1. for Lion, and I see the Install link crashes Adium 1.4.3. What's up with that? Also, the Download link doesn't work.