
Profile: mancabbage

Comment Count 5 comments
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# by mancabbage on 04/01/06 at 06:57:30

smooth like butter on mine

# by mancabbage on 03/30/06 at 09:16:45

haha great :D - who wants to animate a looping fishtank then ? :P

if you can pull this off, wow... major props to u

# by mancabbage on 03/29/06 at 17:20:50

wink wink :P

# by mancabbage on 03/29/06 at 17:20:29

if u could get the background to support .swf or .mov's ude have something quite amazing

# by mancabbage on 03/28/06 at 06:59:51

hi i cant get this to install or download, i get nothing by clicking on install and when clicking dl i get :

"Unable to Download

An error occurred: Only the submitter, mods and admins are allowed to download Xtras before they are approved."]
