
Profile: Aurelio Jargas (aurelio)

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# by aurelio on 08/26/08 at 17:34:10

The new Adium 1.3 is out, which fixes the errors of AdiumBook in Tiger.

# by aurelio on 08/26/08 at 17:31:25

The new Adium 1.3 is out, which fixes the errors of AdiumBook in Tiger.

# by aurelio on 07/29/08 at 16:45:15

Skype? But it's not in Adium. What exactly were you thinking?

About the company issue, you're right. I've opened a ticket for it, thanks!

# by aurelio on 07/29/08 at 16:40:46

The new version 1.4 is out!
Please tell me any problem.

# by aurelio on 07/29/08 at 16:28:42

Please check out the new 1.4 version (Jul/2008), I've fixed that. Now the details are cleared when the selection changes. Thank you!