
Profile: mattchesterz

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# by mattchesterz on 10/05/05 at 12:15:09

This has been my faverite for ages and I just thought I would let you know how nice it is. Its Small (which is good) and clean (which can never hurt).
Excelent Work!

# by mattchesterz on 10/04/05 at 09:09:32

Nice one! But it dosent quite make it as my default. But keep at it!

# by mattchesterz on 10/04/05 at 09:07:43

I agree that the circles are just a tiny bit too big. But apart from that, look great! ;)

# by mattchesterz on 10/04/05 at 09:06:04

Nice one! I'm gonner have a look at other stuff you've made.

# by mattchesterz on 10/04/05 at 09:04:27

Excellent! Love it! (and thanks for actually saying how to install it, unlike others i've seen)