
Profile: Hamelin

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# by Hamelin on 12/08/09 at 00:56:39

That makes sense. I think I'll see if there's a bug report for this, or open one myself because the Digsby developers state on their forums that their IM client supports Adium message styles and my experience is that a ton of these styles don't work correctly in Digsby.

# by Hamelin on 12/06/09 at 23:50:04

Yeah, I'm using Digsby, but they both use Webkit so in theory they should be compatible but you know how little differences can make big issues with this sort of thing. It's a shame too, because I can't find a single other chat theme that does inline chats like Tül does.

# by Hamelin on 12/06/09 at 06:11:34

Any chance this is going to be updated anytime soon? I really want to use it with Digsby but the message colors nor my own messages show up. Incoming messages do.

The dividers display with the correct colors (grey/black) and incoming messages (in black) but that's it.