
Profile: Anton Pirogovski (trimethylxanthine)

Comment Count 4 comments
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# by trimethylxanthine on 12/06/09 at 20:23:28

Thanks a lot, that style is my favourite. :)

# by trimethylxanthine on 12/06/09 at 20:21:20

*nodding my head*
Maybe add real shell commands to the "-bash:"?
For example: -bash: exit (if contact goes away/offline) , -bash: cat (if contact is typing), or something like this.

# by trimethylxanthine on 12/06/09 at 20:16:38

Thanks!I liked it.
And I have based my Defect iconset on it (don't worry, I haven't stole the images, just the structure .plist :) ).

# by trimethylxanthine on 12/06/09 at 20:14:37

Thanks, I really liked it.Trying to make my contact list look something similar to terminal. :)