
Profile: iic7371

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# by iic7371 on 10/02/09 at 03:05:07

glad that i can help!!!! :)

# by iic7371 on 09/30/09 at 03:23:46

you must first import the emoticons, for test purpose, try drag one of these icon onto your desktop . next, config your chat windows tool bar so that you can have quick access to emoticon panel. once you have the "emoticon panel" icon on your tool bar, click on it and then click the lower left coner "+" sign, another window will pop up and ask for your emoticon, locate your emoticon on your desktop and then give it a name and click "OK", and you should good to go, open a chat window with your MSN friend and type the shortcut name that you gave to your emoticons and let see what happen, good luck!!!

# by iic7371 on 09/29/09 at 03:03:22

i can't click the emoticon also, in order to make it work, i have to type the exact name of the icon when i first imported it. if i do double click, adium will crash, but i have no complain, still WAY BETTER than MSN, love it!!!!