
Profile: Joanne Toh (togepi1982)

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# by togepi1982 on 09/24/09 at 17:10:30

I have a question... Sorry for being so dumb... Does this thingy refer to sms applications? Sorry... For being so blur...

I love the styles... Just wondering is the application for sms? If not, messages as in?

# by togepi1982 on 09/24/09 at 17:08:27

I have a question... Sorry for being so dumb... Does this thingy refer to sms applications? Sorry... For being so blur...

I love the styles... Just wondering is the application for sms? If not, messages as in?

# by togepi1982 on 09/24/09 at 17:06:12

I have a question... Sorry for being so dumb... Does this thingy refer to sms applications? Sorry... For being so blur...

I love the styles... Just wondering is the application for sms? If not, messages as in?