
Profile: Markus Norsted (wobbler)

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# by wobbler on 02/01/05 at 03:54:56

Thanks Rasmus, but we all know your icon roxors better. Och jag har fasen ingen aning om varf?r kommentarerna blir kursiva. Det ?r v?l n?ge med data, kan man t?nka. Eller en icke st?ngd tagg?

# by wobbler on 10/20/04 at 04:22:40

pk> it's spinning when you get beeped by someone :)

# by wobbler on 09/23/04 at 04:15:32

Jazzduck: I really would't ant to have any movement in my dock (or screen) unless there's something knocking for attention. Therefore, I won't make any version of Wobblo with spinning cubes as default. I might make an update with a translucent cube when Aduim is not booted (instead of white as it it now), and some other shape (not invented yet :) for the away-state. Thanks for your comments though!

# by wobbler on 06/04/04 at 07:31:42

Re: Everyone. Thanks for all the great feedback on my attempt in creating a dock-icon. I promise I will do more and different icon sets... as soon as I get struck of some of that inspiration of course :)

# by wobbler on 06/01/04 at 10:29:06

Hey, thanks! I was a bit unsure wheter there was a possibility to have n number of frames animating, but... of course the cunning developers of Adium had this supported :)