
Profile: Ken Arnold (kcrca)

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# by kcrca on 05/29/09 at 17:10:25

Can't put attachments here, so I've put a rough idea up at

I'm sure the putty could be made more attractive by someone with some skills, but that's the idea.

An alternate suggestion is to increase the border at the top -- make it like those old polaroids that had one fat border edge. (I know that it was usually at the bottom, but who's picky? ;-) Then push the pin into the border.

# by kcrca on 05/28/09 at 19:05:40

Well, right now one could argue that gravity is being disobeyed -- if the pin is in the center, the pic should be straight. The thing holding at the current angle with a middle-stick is friction, after all. Friction might hold it even at the corner. Or you might figure out where the pin would be to naturally create the angle it is currently -- 80% of the way to the right, maybe?

Or, as I say, you can make it look like it's stuck on a wad of putty.

Then again, if you knew my friends, maybe you'd insist on the impaling look... ;-)

Thanks for listening...

# by kcrca on 05/16/09 at 15:37:14

I really like this style, I get lots of comments on how nice it looks, thanks!

But really don't like the way the user pic is shown -- the pushpin usually ends up right in the middle of my friends' foreheads. Some ideas: (*) move it to the very upper right corner of the icon; (*) drop it altogether, as if it's on there via sticky note glue; (*) make it look like it's stuck to the paper by a small wad of wall poster putty or something like that. It's just disturbing to see my friends repeatedly impaled on my message log.

(BTW, I use a handwriting font for it (Felt Tip Roman) and it looks amazingly nice.)