
Profile: Eric Gustafson (ericgus)

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# by ericgus on 05/02/09 at 19:45:25

Hi.. and thanks for making this script.. been looking for something like this for a while .. {being somewhat new to apple programming I am still learning and found this code nice and easy to understand} one thing I noticed was your code had a minor bug, It would fire off FStream is if it wasn't running when the "tell application" ran.. So I patched the code with this snipit to check if FStream was infact running before trying to get the current song name/artist before setting the status in adium:

tell application "System Events"
set isRunning to ((application processes whose (name is equal to "FStream")) count)
end tell

if isRunning is equal to 0 then
set MyStatusStr to "FStream is not running.. "
return MyStatusStr
end if