
Profile: malky

Comment Count 4 comments
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# by malky on 10/01/08 at 21:21:34

My only little crit is that the Z is actually the N from the Netscape icon, rotated through 90 degrees, so the proportions are a little off. But it's great everywhere else

Nice one!

# by malky on 10/01/08 at 21:19:40

Mate, Anthony Piraino didn't make this. He made the Litho sets, and chances are he'll never come to this page ever. Try making this request to Anthony Piraino himself or on the IconFactory or something.

# by malky on 09/09/08 at 04:50:31

I really like the yellow submarine, although I though the hair was a hat at first.
It'd be awesome to see the others though

# by malky on 08/15/08 at 22:22:09

It might not be iPhoney but it is lush.

Why can't you folks above just make your font size smaller or edit the settings yourself and not rely on someone to do it for you?