
Profile: Edgar Almeida (the-iguana)

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# by the-iguana on 11/18/10 at 21:55:51

sorry for the delay, been busy and stuff...
screenshots are up ;)

# by the-iguana on 11/16/10 at 11:25:16

Yes, it still works. i have the latest version and still works for me.
i'm at work right now, but if i have the time later at night i'll try to add some screenshots showing how to do it. ;)

# by the-iguana on 09/03/08 at 12:12:14

i made a custom away state in the state menu, and added the auto-reply with custom message and typed there %_away.
it will reply custom messages everytime someone starts a conversation.

Obrigado ;)

# by the-iguana on 08/26/08 at 20:28:19

Glad you liked it ;)