
Profile: Boerworz

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# by Boerworz on 05/02/08 at 13:45:47

Yeah, that's what I thought too. It didn't really look like a shadow though :P In my opinion the bottom part should be darker if it's supposed to look like a shadow. I would also suggest a kind of "fade" so that the difference between the two colors isn't as obvious. :)

Looking forward to the next release. :D


# by Boerworz on 05/02/08 at 13:04:28

Really nice style you got there. :) I've got one suggestion though. As it is now, the top part of the "post-it" note (That you see when a user changes his/hers name or status) is a bit darker than the bottom part. Just change the background: in basestyle.css to rgb(254,255,153); and it will be the same color. :)
