
Profile: maazg

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# by maazg on 05/24/08 at 20:41:14

I guess for now just download it and the font is in there.

# by maazg on 05/24/08 at 20:33:11

I just updated the package, it has the font in it. Try just clicking Install instead of download, and let me know how it works.

# by maazg on 05/24/08 at 20:13:33

You should just set the List Layout to 'notebook', but the actual font name is Akbar (size 12).

# by maazg on 04/23/08 at 15:34:32

Sorry guys. I'm not sure what the problem is. The Install button should generally not work, because all the download package is, is the two themes zipped into one file. So if downloading the package and unzipping everything does not work, just do what wingedpiggies said, and download them from the themes pages themselves.

# by maazg on 04/22/08 at 01:05:38