
Profile: gottacoppafeel

Comment Count 40 comments
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# by gottacoppafeel on 03/02/08 at 16:12:31

ya my user pic selector isn't showing up anymore...

# by gottacoppafeel on 02/21/08 at 01:27:55

oh and the scroll bars changed to HUD would be awesome too :)

# by gottacoppafeel on 02/21/08 at 01:24:56

ya any work on a fix for tabs? this preventing me from switching fully to this

# by gottacoppafeel on 02/18/08 at 16:05:02

AMAZING! this allows me to keep the look i had but use the image and status selector in the contact list...thanks so much for sharing!

# by gottacoppafeel on 11/07/06 at 08:17:26

love it! fits nicely with my itunes-ish theme :)