
Profile: AL3

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# by AL3 on 10/10/09 at 01:47:04

This is great, I love it! Can I request a little change though? I'd like to put "my" avatar on the left, and the other person's avatar on the right.. as if my messages were starting on my avatar (on the left), and ending on the far right (instead of ending in the avatar).
Could you make this change, or enable an option to change this?
Thanks a lot! Really great work!

# by AL3 on 04/28/09 at 00:44:02

Love them! Juas a quick question: I'd like to change a bit the colours, I know how to do it myself, but I can't find the icon files! I'm looking under "Adium>Contents>Resources>Status Icons" but the Little Apples don't appear there... only other icon sets I'm not currently using. Where can I locate, then, the icons? Thanks in advance!

# by AL3 on 03/17/08 at 19:30:10

Newbie question: I use Overture 1928, but my contact window displays ONLY the contacts, not the little gray bar on top (the one with the X, - and + buttons). How can I set Adium to display this gray bar while using Overture 1928?
thanks for the help!