
Profile: Chris Kirk (kirk)

Comment Count 38 comments
3 xtras

Latest comments

# by kirk on 11/03/08 at 15:57:29

Very nice, 5 ducks!

What is that iTunes displayer? It looks very nice. I'm getting kind of tired of CoverSutra.

# by kirk on 01/16/08 at 10:39:15

Nice! I've found myself a new message style! 5 stars!

# by kirk on 01/16/08 at 10:37:45

The cake is a lie.

# by kirk on 01/16/08 at 10:37:19

Good color scheme, but can we get a preview where everything isn't blurred out please?

# by kirk on 08/24/06 at 07:41:00

Not at the moment. Haha