
Profile: David Laskin (hyposonus)

Comment Count 11 comments
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# by hyposonus on 02/28/09 at 18:56:52

It'a great soundset. All the sounds match their respective actions. However, the sign on is a little bit long. Maybe do the little intro whistle only. 4/5

# by hyposonus on 01/09/09 at 16:32:36

Hey this is a pretty interesting Dock, but if I may give some feedback: Try to make the wings flap up and down slightly slower, and also have the entire fairy move slowly up and down as the wings flap, if at all possible. I'll give this a 4/5

# by hyposonus on 09/04/08 at 18:43:02

This is awesome! Maybe in the future you can make a message style involving the opposite person to have text inside the orange portal, and you talk inside the blue portal? Idk, but i think that would be awesome.

# by hyposonus on 08/25/08 at 16:06:12

I think it's a decent soundset, although there are better lines from the movie. The quotes used are well placed, so im giving this a 4.

# by hyposonus on 07/31/08 at 16:39:45

Does Facebook support Adium as a chat program? This is good and all, but I don't see the relevance if FB doesn't support it.