
Profile: Matt K (matkam)

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# by matkam on 10/08/07 at 19:20:10

I made a new Emoticons.plist file to drop into the icon set package. I've added more "equivalents" and made a few modifications. I think these ascii smilies make more sense and they are more compatible with default icon set.
Download from

# by matkam on 10/08/07 at 04:00:04

Looks like back-slashes disappear in here...
Also, I didn't see gOofytj's post :P
Thanks again for the set!

# by matkam on 10/08/07 at 03:53:20

Awesome icon set. I think along with changing "lol" to ":lol:" you could have more "equivalents" for typing smilies in short-hand (like in the default adium emoticons). For example, add the equivalent ":p" and ":P" for ":-P", and ":/" and ":" for ":-".