
Profile: Scott Parker (evergreenscott)

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# by evergreenscott on 05/02/08 at 16:11:23


I attempted to use it today and put in the same string as before in my status string for available to 'Current Temp: %_temp{ myzipcode }' and it didn't work. It didn't kill Adium but I can't get it work at all now.

I'm on a new mac with 10.5 dual cores.


# by evergreenscott on 09/17/07 at 18:12:24

I have some more information for you.... I don't have to uninstall the degree script to get adium to present my contact list. If I put %_temp{zip} in a custom "available" status message it works until I shutdown adium. When I start up adium, it appears to pause, leaving me a menu and a blank contact list. If I go into Edit Status and remove the custom status message, save, then the contact list populates. If chat someone and %_temp{zip}, it works just fine. So, it's isolated to custom status messages. Does this help narrow it down? -Scott

# by evergreenscott on 09/17/07 at 09:44:42

it's a new install and I don't have any other scripts. I'm wonder if anyone is using it in the away/available status message?

# by evergreenscott on 09/16/07 at 18:49:03

cowgomoo? you still around? Any ideas?

# by evergreenscott on 09/10/07 at 23:41:32

I was using it in my status message. So, whether I was available or away, you could see the temperature in my area. So, for available status I had "Current Temp: %_temp{zipcode}" without the quotes. I had to remove the script altogether to get Adium to connect back to the servers. I'm using AIM, MSN, Yahoo, and ICQ. -Scott