
Profile: rob-to86

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Comment Count 44 comments
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# by rob-to86 on 05/12/13 at 17:24:43

Have you got a screenshot to share? Do they show up larger for you than in the image above?

# by rob-to86 on 05/10/13 at 15:56:40

Hello Michael, please feel free to submit the latest version of the SIPE plugin as a new Xtras. Cheers, Robbie

# by rob-to86 on 01/27/13 at 23:41:18

Great style indeed! I've been sticking with Smooth Operator Classic for years, apart from it this is the first style I've been using for a longer stretch of time in ages.

# by rob-to86 on 01/15/12 at 11:10:33

Das würde mich auch interessieren. Viele meiner Freunde haben sich bereits von dort verabschiedet. StudiVZ unterstützt seit Längerem ja auch offiziell XMPP-Klienten wie Adium.

# by rob-to86 on 01/06/12 at 11:35:52

You're not. This is to be expected as noted in the change notes for version 1.1.