
Profile: Cracker

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# by Cracker on 06/12/05 at 01:01:55

You maybe be able to download the sounds (which I still cannot find on this site - what's it called?) but the sounds cannot be linked with certain emoticons. They can only be envoked with the usual User Signs On/Off, Message Sent/Received etc. I asked the developers to include such a function but they basically said no.

# by Cracker on 04/19/05 at 03:39:16

There are no Trillian sounds included, Adium can't handle them. I've already asked the developers to include such a function but they said it was unlikely.

# by Cracker on 03/16/05 at 16:07:29

Levoi, if you extract the zip file, you'll find Trillian 3.AdiumEmoticonSet. Double click that file and Adium will automatically install it. If not then place the extracted file in [YourUsername]/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Emoticons. Also make sure in your Adium Preferences that Trillian 3 is ticked. The file should be 1.1mb extracted if it's not, download the zip again as it may have been corrupted. Finally, these emoticons are for MacOSX so I'm not sure why you're opening them in WinXP : )

# by Cracker on 02/13/05 at 00:15:07

I find it interesting how my emoticon pack is currently, at time of writing, in "pending" status therefore not shown to public and yet it's attained 60 or so new ratings taking it from 4/5 to now 2.8/5.

# by Cracker on 02/02/05 at 02:49:36

Thanks for noticing that Midnight. Fixed :)