
Profile: Rob Speed (Ringo)

Comment Count 14 comments
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# by Ringo on 12/13/07 at 15:09:20

This really doesn't work for me. Followed the instructions and my accounts can't connect.

# by Ringo on 07/28/06 at 01:18:48

Doesn't seem to work any more.

Adium 1.0b7
2GHz MacBook

# by Ringo on 07/28/06 at 00:56:13

It outputs a list of current conversations.

# by Ringo on 01/11/06 at 23:34:08

Woo hoo! %_ support!

Thank you. You truly are the king of turds... which are Adium 1.0 compatible. :D

# by Ringo on 01/06/06 at 19:13:01

Wow... this really brings me back.