
Profile: elaboratedream

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# by elaboratedream on 04/28/09 at 19:22:10

I'd like it better if it didn't include "Cartman - " each time.

# by elaboratedream on 03/21/08 at 17:55:27

I like it but it doesn't copy/paste very well. I'll use it anyway :)

# by elaboratedream on 03/21/08 at 17:48:24

I like it a lot. Just huge :-/

# by elaboratedream on 03/21/08 at 17:42:04

I would totally use this at work if there was a white version (because I invert my screen, so the black turns white, etc..) I'll install it at home though!

# by elaboratedream on 03/21/08 at 17:38:37

Hahahaha I love it. I prefer the different ducks too but I'm using Ted for a while. Most cause of the middle face :P