
Profile: Rachel Mc (kookoo2052)

Google Talk
Comment Count 20 comments
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# by kookoo2052 on 04/05/07 at 00:13:11

ooo so cute

# by kookoo2052 on 04/03/07 at 08:59:47

ummmm... illl try
idk how though and p.s. it wont work on mine lol

# by kookoo2052 on 04/02/07 at 22:22:21

ummm ok sure

# by kookoo2052 on 04/01/07 at 12:44:51

makes for very long chats but other than that very very nice

# by kookoo2052 on 03/30/07 at 23:58:04

can i make one for it?