
Profile: Jenny LaVada (jenny90206)

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Comment Count 8 comments
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# by jenny90206 on 11/21/07 at 16:21:41

now that my friend has them I'm encouraged to get them for myself. thanks!

# by jenny90206 on 10/26/07 at 20:22:43

It works! And the other one I was having trouble with works, too! Thank you.

# by jenny90206 on 10/25/07 at 16:25:15

The heart doesn't work when I installed this Xtra on my Adium. Is it just me or what?

# by jenny90206 on 09/15/07 at 08:44:48


# by jenny90206 on 03/16/07 at 17:30:43

ADORABLE!!!! CUTE! LOVELY! OMG I can't think of enough words to describe this icon!