Dock Icons Emoticons Contact List Styles Message Styles Sound Sets AppleScripts Status Icons Service Icons Menu Bar Icons Plugins Miscellaneous All

All by user therealbenni [x]

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Install Rating
Ladybugs (4 Comments) - Status Icons
Colorful ladybugs to match your wallpaper, or just for fun.
1696 total
3.8 / 22 votes
(Ranking: 1.07)
Comic! (2 Comments) - Contact List Styles
A fairly simple list style that requires the CrimeFighter BB font. Chat Bubbles status icons and Milk dock icon recommended for the full effect. Looks best in either the borderless window or group bubbles mode - I think the square edges...
2324 total
3.6 / 16 votes
(Ranking: 0.72)
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