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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
BJK Besiktas 10/11 Sezon (2 Comments) - Dock Icons
BJK Besiktas 10/11 Sezon
moongaia 74.33kb
76 total
4.5 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 1.56)
Adiumy Love Tel Aviv (0 Comments) - Dock Icons
• Adiumy Dock Icons set dressed with the shirt I LOVE TEL AVIV (Israel), adapted from the logo designed by Milton Glaser in 1977 for the State of New York (USA). • Adiumy עגן סמלים...
Regivic 150.58kb
116 total
5.0 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 1.20)
Tab's Magic 8-Ball (0 Comments) - AppleScripts
Generate random one of 20 random responses inspired by the original Magic 8-Ball toy. Below is a list of the quotes it will generate. As I see it, yes It is certain It is decidedly so Most likely Outlook good...
jathanism 54.81kb
121 total
5.0 / 2 votes
(Ranking: 0.60)
Rage (1 Comments) - Emoticons
Emoticon set with the most common Rage faces (also know as Rage Thread, FFFUUU Comic, Rage Meme, Rage Comic among others).
sveinn 336.03kb
889 total
3.4 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 0.43)
Troll Icons (0 Comments) - Emoticons
If you like rage comics, well, here are some icons for your chat. These are designed to complement other icon sets, not replace them. They have bindings that aren't common to icons, ex, [fu] , [problem] If you want more icons,...
Paradox 38.22kb
1245 total
4.5 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 1.56)
gravatarMe (1 Comments) - AppleScripts
AppleScript to change your Display Image to your Gravatar image What is a gravatar? A gravatar, or globally recognized avatar, is quite simply an 80×80 pixel avatar image that follows you from weblog to...
junkiesxl 22.28kb
959 total
1.8 / 4 votes
(Ranking: -0.72)
Random Away Phrases (9 Comments) - AppleScripts
Based on the famous /brb script, i created the away script. Used code from the /brb and some of my favorite phrases the script already had, added some of the away messages available at and some out of my mind. How to use:...
the-iguana 12.34kb
1798 total
4.6 / 18 votes
(Ranking: 2.01)
Chrome Adium (0 Comments) - Dock Icons
samnung 127.37kb
245 total
4.5 / 2 votes
(Ranking: 0.45)
Throwboy Adium icons (0 Comments) - Emoticons
This is Emoticons of the Throwboy Pillows ( ) Hope you like them.. :) Tip: if you go to Preferences in Adium and the Appearance Menu go down to you see "Emoticons" and at the right you can see...
MertenNor 636.77kb
781 total
3.6 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 0.54)
Silhouette DockIcons (2 Comments) - Dock Icons
Again, this is part of an icon series i'm making for all mac applications, when it's done ill post the link here ___
Treencd 2.92mb
738 total
3.7 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 0.59)
A(dium)Tunes (2 Comments) - Dock Icons
Adium Dock Icon, to match the new Itunes 10 Icon style.
konstantin 1.94mb
677 total
3.7 / 14 votes
(Ranking: 0.80)
Adiumify (3 Comments) - Menu Bar Icons
Adiumify is a set of Adium menu bar icons in the style of's menubar icons.
kyleve 45.38kb
12674 total
3.8 / 34 votes
(Ranking: 1.23)
BJK Eagle (0 Comments) - Menu Bar Icons
Eagle menubar icons.
moongaia 1.84mb
475 total
3.7 / 15 votes
(Ranking: 0.82)
BJK Besiktas (2 Comments) - Dock Icons
This is Icon Dock of the best Team of the Turkey. Eagle BJK Besiktas
moongaia 2.78mb
671 total
4.7 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 1.83)
Executor (2 Comments) - Plugins
Executor lets you run shell commands from Adium and substitutes them with their stdout and stderr ouput. It's useful when you want to do quick lookup and give the result to your contact. Commands are passed to bash with the -c...
Félix 6.86kb
1125 total
3.6 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 0.51)
Adiumy Tigres UANL Visitante (0 Comments) - Dock Icons
Dock Icon Nuevo Jersey Visitante 2010 TIGRES UANL
darielguzman 463.13kb
56 total
1.0 / 1 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Adiumy Tigres UANL Local (1 Comments) - Dock Icons
Dock Icon Jersey Local 2010 Tigres UANL
darielguzman 473.57kb
61 total
1.0 / 2 votes
(Ranking: -0.60)
Squad (2 Comments) - Message Styles
Simple, clean message style using Helvetica Neue. Based on my chat design in Squad ( )
futurephonic 14.32kb
2113 total
4.3 / 16 votes
(Ranking: 1.57)
G-Translator (0 Comments) - AppleScripts
This is a really simple translator since the other translation script extra didn't seem to work for me. This script only uses Google's translation service. Any input/ouput pair that's valid on should work, but I...
tallerthenyou 7.44kb
642 total
4.5 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 1.35)
Snowtape Script (7 Comments) - AppleScripts
Displays currently playing/streaming/recording track in Snowtape. Keyword: /snow App Website:
MacGuyBrush 9.65kb
193 total
5.0 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
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