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Message Styles by user marten [x]

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Install Rating
Marten-Plain (12 Comments)
1.1 version supports an alternate layout of messages. This is my very first attempt at making my own Adium-theme. I was inspired by the iPhone Message Style theme, and wanted to keep a simple and clean look. Available in white and...
26461 total
4.1 / 133 votes
(Ranking: 2.34)
Marten-Plain2 (2 Comments)
New fresh message theme inspired by Marten-Plain. Now even Plainer. Available in white and black. ----- For the full experience you can match this message theme with the Marten-Plain dock icon , Marten-Plain emoticons and...
476 total
4.7 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 1.44)
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