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Lyrics For Adium

Lyrics For Adium

Submitted By gnomesgames


What for ?
Lyrics For Adium is a little AppleScript application that will set the status of all your accounts to the lyrics of the song you are listening to in iTunes.
The lyrics have to be present in iTunes, if no lyrics are found, the script will display the title of the song and the artist instead.
The lyrics are updated every 5s.

How to use it ?
Just unzip, and launch the App.
I recommend using TunesArt in combination (, it download lyrics for the song you are listening, and save them in iTunes.

Known issues
Due to AppleScript bug, the only way to quit is by going into the "Apple" menu, then Force quit, select the App and click Force quit.


Version 1.0 :
- Initial release


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# by kleye3 on 11/08/11 at 08:11:39

thks good job work great i can play my lyrics on my statute name its possible off course?

# by gnomesgames on 11/08/11 at 11:01:07

With an update of the app, it can be possible. But the problem is that most of messaging client notify when a contact change of name (ex : Windows Live Messenger), so if your name change every 5s, i think most of your contact would be very annoyed...

# by gnomesgames on 11/08/11 at 11:07:32

With an update of the app, it can be possible. But the problem is that most of messaging client notify when a contact change of name (ex : Windows Live Messenger), so if your name change every 5s, i think most of your contact would be very annoyed...

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32.22kb (569 downloads)

1.00 / 5 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 10/15/11
Lyrics For Adium v1.0
by GnomesGames

Based on :
Now Playing in Adium v1.0, by Adam Nolley