The boys of the Bay are about to do it yet again! I can't believe how well Jim Harbaugh has turned the 49ers around this season. One more SuperBowl and they will tie the Steelers for the most by any team! I love the logos you made here. What gave you the idea to use a brown duck? So how did you create such neat logos? Is there a specific program you used to make these or did you create them from a website, such as for example?
@ryewoz... i used the duck that had been used in other dock icons and overlayed the 49ers logo. then i just painted on the shirt. mostly used photoshop for the whole thing. i'm a designer by trade, so it was pretty easy for me to get in there and make the changes i wanted :)
@horha12s... the duck is actually the mascot for adium, so i'd recommend getting in touch with them if you want to use the duck (or it's likeness) on your site.
Über das Milliardste Kaffeekränzchen der Katholischen Frauengemeinschaft für den GutenZweck:
Oh, die "wichtigen Frauen", die als Lohn für diese Arbeit noch die nächsten Hundert Jahre für die Katholische Kirche Kuchen backen dürfen.
jogos de carros
Über die Inthronisierung eines weiteren männlichen Würdenträgers, der von seiner eilfertigen Haushälterin morgens noch schnell die frischgebügelte Wäsche vorgelegt bekommen hat:
Die treue Seele bekommt sicher eine Ehrenbezeugung am Grab.
# by RyeWoz on 01/17/12 at 01:30:02