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Hard Bubbles (Compact Bubble)

Hard Bubbles (Compact Bubble)

Submitted By Ka Saku (70599)


This is a modification of the messages styles Better Modern/Matte Message Style.
ORIGINAL styles Matte Adium by Joshua Bryant (Fusion) and Modern Bubbling by Jim Myhrberg.

»Colors included: Aqua, Glass, Graphite, Green, Gray, Orange, Pink, Pruple, Red, Yellow.


change default background color to #303030.



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# by putoutthemoon on 04/29/10 at 04:57:47

I love this! Using it right now :)
How do you get your whole chatbox to look like that, though?

# by nitio on 05/04/10 at 02:45:48

# by evinh0 on 05/15/10 at 03:00:07

I tryied but could not implement shuffle colors to it :(

if u could do it, me and a lot of people will love it!

amazing work, thanks!

# by evinh0 on 05/15/10 at 03:00:21

I tryied but could not implement shuffle colors to it :(

if u could do it, me and a lot of people will love it!

amazing work, thanks!

# by DSfreak800 on 05/20/10 at 01:56:52

could not see it

# by cycott on 01/02/11 at 00:19:01

how can i change the background color, i'd like to make it white.
witch file i've to edit?

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284.5kb (3532 downloads)

3.40 / 24 votes
Current Version: 1.01
Last Updated: 04/04/10
Joshua Bryant (Fusion),
Jim Myhrberg,