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Submitted By James Addyman (jasarien)


Latest version and details always available at:

Requires Adium 1.4 ( and Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard or later

Xblaze is a plugin for Adium that allows you access to Xfire to chat to your friends and see what games they're playing.

  • Completely rewritten from the ground up
  • No more XfireLib
    • Xblaze now uses the foundation that MacFire was built on (Thanks Archon!)
  • Chat to your friends
  • Login to Multiple Accounts
  • Manage your friends
  • Set custom status messages
  • Set a custom nickname
  • See what games your friends are playing
  • Allow friends to see what games you're playing
  • Track game stats
  • Tightly integrated with Adium
  • Search for other Xfire users
  • Typing notifications
  • Server info (Game IP and Port if available)


  • Made it work again...

  • Updated to support the latest changes in the Xfire protocol.
  • Fixes the issue where friends would appear offline, when they are actually online.

  • Fixed an issue that would cause friends that were both a friend and a clan member to fall out of the Xfire group when a new friend was added.

  • Fixed a bug where friends of friends would be moved to the Offline group, instead of being removed from the contacts list when they stopped playing a game. The result was that the offline group became littered with 'offline' FoF's
  • Offline clan members are now shown in the offline group, they were previously missing from the contact list entirely, meaning only online clan members could be seen.

  • Merged in many fixes that were made as part of developing Xblaze for iPhone. Most notable fixes:
    • Clan support
    • Fixed many crashes related to friends going offline, being removed or removing you
    • Load icons as and when they're needed instead of all together at the launch of the app (this makes Xblaze's memory footprint much smaller, and the app a little faster)
    • Updated the games list and and icons to match the latest Xfire release. Many new games and their icons supported
    • Many other small big fixes and crash preventions

  • I'm sure that by doing this I've created a whole new set of bugs, so if you do happen to notice any, give me a shout and I'll see what I can do

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Xblaze from connecting when Adium starts if you check the "Connect when Adium opens" option.
  • Fixed an issue where Friends of Friends were randomly bring shown in the contact list. Current solution is to not show any friends of friends at all. A friends of friends solution will be worked out in a later release

  • Contact list has been optimised - should build and update much faster than previously.
  • Server info is now shown if available in the tooltip for contacts.

  • Xblaze will now show typing notifications when your friends are typing, and send typing notifications to your friends when you are typing.
  • Plugged a few minor memory leaks

  • Completely rewritten from the ground up
  • No more XfireLib
    • Xblaze now uses the foundation that MacFire was built on (Thanks Archon!)
  • No regression
    • Xblaze supports all the features that it did in previous versions
  • Multiple Accounts
  • Tightly integrated with Adium
  • Search for other Xfire users



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# by Myst_Exodus on 11/18/09 at 05:37:07

LOVE it! Good job dude.

# by twick100 on 08/05/10 at 22:22:35

Works pretty well. Can you make it so it displays their nickname rather than their log in name on the contact list?

# by fuzzy76 on 11/22/10 at 14:50:27

Xblaze "hangs" the Adium process quite a while when logging in. This is very irritating, because it also prevents the other protocols to log on until it's done (20-30 seconds).

# by GhostLyrics on 03/03/11 at 17:41:14

The version number of the downloaded file still says "1.1.2".

# by mauimango7 on 03/16/11 at 09:28:17

This plugin isn't showing up for me at all, I installed and it tells me it's successful but doesn't show any way to add my account?

# by jasarien on 03/16/11 at 10:57:40

Did you restart Adium after installing?
Xfire should show up as a service option when adding a new account to Adium, provided that the plugin is installed, Adium has been restarted and the plugin is not disabled for any reason.

# by dyu on 03/18/11 at 06:41:39

I'm having the same issue, Xfire isn't showing up as a service. I confirmed it's installed and restarted a few times. I even tried reinstalling Adium but it still won't show up.

# by jasarien on 03/18/11 at 10:55:26

What version of Adium are you using?

# by dyu on 03/18/11 at 11:03:06


# by QueenofGnomes on 04/24/11 at 01:42:49

I'm also having problems with this plugin now. I'm using the most current version of Adium and I've tried both manually installing Xblaze and just installing it from the site. I restart Adium every time and Xfire never shows up in my list of services. Xblaze was one of the main reason I even use Adium so I hope there is some help for this problem soon!

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5.74mb (3958 downloads)

4.00 / 25 votes
Current Version: 1.1.5
Last Updated: 01/04/12
Jasarien (Xblaze -, Archon (MacFire -