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Submitted By Mårten Lundin (marten)


Updated Marten-Plain collection, now with retina support.
Well suited for the Marten-Plain message theme.



version 3.0
Retina support and 17 new symbols, 33 in total!

version 2.0
Some tweaks and a few more icons.

version 1.0
Starting out with a few basic ones.



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# by lec on 10/16/09 at 09:06:52

wow! im starting to use every single marten icons. Hahaha! Do you also have sounds?

# by marten on 10/16/09 at 16:00:55

No, unfortunately no sounds.

# by lec on 10/20/09 at 13:06:32

haha. daymn. but it's all good. :) Anyway, is it possible I could borrow your icon making? is it in PSD or some sort? i would like to extend this emoticon set to have almost all the things I use in YM.

# by marten on 10/20/09 at 14:16:47

I'm sorry but the PSD is not for public use. But you can send me some suggestions on emoticons you would like to see in future releases, if you like. You can find my mail under my profile-page.

# by Cruciarius on 11/22/09 at 02:37:30

Awesome set.

How about emotes for:
Big gasp, confused, blush, money-mouth, sick... ninja and pirate would be nice too.

# by marten on 11/22/09 at 11:51:44

Thank you for your suggestions.

# by MrCakes14 on 12/04/09 at 05:06:06

I'd like to see a variant of :/ so I can use : (with the slash in the other direction). I'm more comfortable with the latter, it's just what I'm used to.
I don't really need a new face, you could just make it so either :/ or : make the "hmm" face.

# by marten on 12/04/09 at 12:22:03

Thanks, I'll consider this for future updates.

# by shilbia on 03/24/10 at 22:39:36

thank you :D

# by purplegirl on 12/04/12 at 02:47:44

Thank you :)

# by marten on 12/04/12 at 11:00:20

You are welcome.

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137.07kb (18940 downloads)

4.30 / 153 votes
Current Version: 3.0
Last Updated: 11/17/12