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Skype Only

Skype Only

Submitted By Anarco



Some of my contacts are using MSN and sometime Skype. I wanted to know when they are connected to Skype, but my I don't want to see all the service icon (MSN, AIM...)in my contact list... . I don't want to use a specific group for Skype because my contacts who are using MSN and Skype are combined.
So I used pps-2 service icons, and I erase all the service icon (only those for the contact list). So now I can see who is on Skype, whithout seeing all the other service icons.
Just a few second to do that of course ;-).
Why using pss-2 service icon ? Because when you are going in account preferences, those beautiful icon are still here :-).

Requierment: the excellent Skype Plugin from BigBrownChunx

Don't hesitate to leave a feed back !


Certain de mes contacts utilisent MSN et parfois Skype. Je voulais savoir quand ces contacts sont connectés à Skype, mais je ne voulais pas pour autant voir tous les autres icons de service (MSN, AIM...) dans ma liste de contact. Je ne voulais pas non plus utiliser un groupe spécifique pour Skype car mes contacts qui sont sur MSN et Skype sont combinés.
J'ai donc utiliser le pack pss-2, j'ai effacé tous les icons (seulement ceux destinés à la liste de contacts). Maintenant je peux voir qui est sur Skype, sans voir tous les autres icons de services.
Seulement quelques secondes pour faire cela biensûr ;-).
Pourquoi utiliser le pack pss-2 tout de même ? Et bien parce que les icons de service qui sont superbes sont toujours visibles dans les préférences de compte :-).

Nécessite l'excellent plugin Skype de BigBrownChunx.

N'hésitez pas à laisser un commentaire !



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# by cyberbab on 03/03/08 at 08:04:32

Hi, do you know a way to add skype info to the adress book so my skype contact in adium can have a user icon instead of the skype logo
thanks for help ;)

# by Anarco on 03/03/08 at 13:17:12

Hi, I think the best way is to do it manually. Right click on a contact, select "Read Informations", and here it's possible to paste a picture for your contact.

# by cyberbab on 03/04/08 at 18:28:59

Thanks for this answer, i never noticed that i could change user icon on user information window. not what i expected but... it works ;)

# by Leonardo.Vieira on 03/20/08 at 10:22:31

Very cool! Thank you! helps me a lot.

# by Anarco on 04/14/08 at 03:14:31

Thanks :-)

# by naturexpert on 04/20/12 at 02:30:35

Hello, I am trying to add my skype contacts on adium and I can't. It's always blocked and nothing move.

Can you help me please? I have adium version 1.4.5 and skype version

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Current Version: 0.0
Last Updated: 02/08/08