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The Palantir of Adium (v2.0)

The Palantir of Adium (v2.0)

Submitted By Tovarizzle


Listening to the Lord of the Rings Soundtrack, I was inspired to make a LOTR Themed Adium Iconset. After a little brainstorming and a little Photoshopping, this is what I came up with. I hope my fellow LOTR fans will enjoy it, and as always, feel free to leave comments/suggestions for improvement.

8/2/02- I've uploaded Version 2.0, repairing the issues it had with showing the contact's name in the dock. Apparently the icon MUST be set to a 72 dpi resolution for the flashing contact function to work correctly (Props to EvanDS for the solution). This is the only one of my icon sets affected by this issue simply because of my own human error, and hopefully this will help somebody else too.


Update: Due to school and other factors, I'm not planning on updating this iconset myself. If anybody would like to continue editing and improving this icon on their own, I invite them to do so. As such, please consider the images, code, and other associated files open to all for editing and re-posting, re-doing, reusing and rampant theiving. Thanks!



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# by Darmot on 07/31/04 at 17:26:07

good idea, but i cant see the name of the people that are sending the message to me.. but really good idea!

# by on 07/31/04 at 17:51:23

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. I didn't even attempt to have the icon display any information about the IM, that's a little beyond my coding capabilities, if that's what you mean. If you have details, I'd gladly address them in Version 2.0.

# by infinity on 07/31/04 at 21:16:25

Love it! I'm a huge Lord of the Rings fan, and it is nice to see a LOTR based icon. Keep up the good work.

# by Darmot on 07/31/04 at 22:51:29

yea, i was talkin about how when you recive an IM and the dock displays who sent that message. i definetly like the dock icon, but i defintly like your idea, if you do update it i will be looking for it :)

# by on 07/31/04 at 23:02:51

Fair enough. Anybody have any thoughts as to which current icon set has the best implementation of the above (Dock Icon displaying the sender?). I'm not real sure how to do the coding, but maybe I can figure it out if I look at another chunk of code and do some experimenting.

We'll tentatively chock that up for Version 2.0, though.

# by on 07/31/04 at 23:32:45

Hi. I don't mean to be spamming my own comments, but I've done some research, and I'm expecting to have the dock/name display working relatively soon. Thanks for all the comments, and enjoy!

# by Darmot on 08/01/04 at 01:08:48

Great!! i gave ur icon a 5! cuz it really does rock! i cant wait for the update!

# by Quincy on 08/01/04 at 02:42:27


# by Junpei on 08/04/04 at 19:44:10

Heh, I like this. I wonder if there are any other LOTR things that could be made icons. Perhaps a ring icon, when online the text would appear on it. ^^

# by drunken link on 08/04/04 at 22:51:05

awesome. great job man

# by Tovarizzle on 08/05/04 at 04:50:22

There's a "Sting" Icon waiting for Approval, and I like the ring idea. I might start working on that soon (with props to you, of course, and assuming you're OK with my using your idea).

Thanks for all the kind words!

# by on 09/14/04 at 18:08:38

this thing is superbe! its great!great!great!great!great!!

# by on 10/05/04 at 14:19:52

Thanks for writing this. It's a great dock icon (my kids love it).

# by on 10/21/04 at 19:20:28

tovarizzle,you rock!

# by Kiel on 02/05/06 at 10:48:17

Best. Dock. Icon. Ever. Nothing compares. The Palantir is awesome.

# by melkor306 on 02/06/06 at 20:25:27

Excellent, I love it. It now matches my hard drive palantir icon :D

# by robinmdh on 02/09/06 at 13:31:30

why don't you make it a growl style, that would be cool and not to much hassle

# by EZalybored on 07/31/06 at 15:20:00

how do u use this? could u explain it?

# by gugugagamoses on 04/18/07 at 01:17:26

I wish someone can make a Palantir Widget.. then make it Big and Glassy.. that seats on the desktop.. to shows Emails, IM, RSS news, Weather,, Live webcam! wooooooo

# by garcia on 08/13/07 at 23:10:30

Very Cool. Ive seen your other icons and theyre pretty cool. have you ever thought about doin a "one ring" icon? The plain ring could be offline, the glowing ring could be online, and a glowing red ring could be away...

# by KingYaba on 02/28/09 at 18:27:11

Very cool icon set. Thanks!

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1.02mb (24285 downloads)

3.90 / 275 votes
Current Version: 2.0
Last Updated: 08/02/04
All Graphic Manipulation/Coding is by myself. The Palantir and Sauron's Eye per se are from New Line Cinema's "Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers"