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Submitted By Somatic Gnome (BlackandWhitePenguin)


I made these in honor of a punctuation-obsessed friend. Includes all sorts of variably obscure punctuation and editorial marks, courtesy of our friend Unicode. Let's hear one for the ol' UTF-8!

Another punctuation-based goody may be working its way through the tubes soon (it's a mod, so I'll have to seek permission first). A menu item is also in the works.

These have a transparent background so they should work on anything reasonably light, if you guys whine enough I'll make a white set.

Remember kids– bad punctuation kills.

P.S., I can guarantee I punctuated something in this description incorrectly.

P.P.S., I suppose the preview image is a bit misleading (the icons are black, not white).


1.0 - Initial Release



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# by csquared on 10/29/07 at 01:47:20

A white set would rock. What font is this set in? Might be nice to have different subsets in different fonts.

# by BlackandWhitePenguin on 10/29/07 at 01:51:50

Okay, I'll do the white one next weekend if not sooner.

I believe its Helvetica. I'll consider the different fonts but I doubt I'll do it.

# by Xjs on 11/09/07 at 19:47:32

Heh, great idea.

# by BlackandWhitePenguin on 11/09/07 at 20:18:44

Thanks, glad you like it.

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Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 10/26/07