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GAIA Messageview

GAIA Messageview

Submitted By Florian Pichler (pichfl)


Exclusive release of the messageview included in the GAIA suite.
Graphics by Imrik, updated and reworked by myself.

This messagestyle included several substyles.
  • Big Header
    • Regular
    • With User-Icons
    • With User-Icons and time only visible on mouseover
    • with time only visible on mouseover
  • Small Header (without the name)
    • Regular
    • With User-Icons
    • With User-Icons and time only visible on mouseover
    • with time only visible on mouseover

Interesting facts
  • It's recommended to activate the header. (But it works also without it)
  • All links sent and recived get converted to buttons, so no extra-large link can break your window. mouseover shows the link-text.
  • The link-buttons are generated by javascript, an scriptless version (GAIA Low) is included for slower systems

Do not release modifications, personal updates or ports (e.g. to other messengers) without my permission!

Adium Set for GAIA
You may also want to download the GAIA Contact list.


1.0 First Release



You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by BlackandWhitePenguin on 07/26/07 at 17:28:07

Looks VERY slick with your theme. I feel fancy just looking at it.

# by dcentity2000 on 07/27/07 at 19:20:23


# by caletz on 07/28/07 at 06:37:18

how can i put the scroller bar like that :D , without a theme for the entire os x

# by pichfl on 07/28/07 at 10:36:15

I use Shapeshifter to change the whole system-theme but you might be able to edit the scrollbars of os x with ThemePark

# by caletz on 07/29/07 at 16:54:04

yes please :) it would be great! the scrollbar using webkit in the theme.

# by df0notfoundNeue on 07/29/07 at 12:10:14

This would be possible if you made the scrollbar using webkit in the theme.

# by Merlish on 08/02/07 at 12:19:45

VERY nice theme; even if you use another Full OSX-theme, this still beats the other Adium themes. All hails to you.

# by Reita-sama on 08/02/07 at 18:35:01

This is lovely. : ) The only thing I would change would be the icon-size. I'm a sucker for large icons. Other than that, this is perfection. Wonderful job!

# by macaddct1984 on 08/10/07 at 02:05:09

Is there a way to disable the images placed over the urls? I don't really like not knowing what it is I'm clicking. Thanks!

# by pichfl on 08/21/07 at 10:31:25

Read the description again and try out using GAIA Low.
No more Javascript = No more buttons.

# by jimeh on 08/21/07 at 07:31:34

very impressive message style, i can't test it atm, borrowing the boss' pc at work while he's out, gonna give it a run when i get home tho :)

# by Cruciarius on 10/21/07 at 20:00:41

Very nice, however I really don't care for the status changing messages. They're rather dark and don't feel right to me, since the rest of the message style is white. Maybe a shade gray would look nicer?

# by csquared on 11/06/07 at 14:00:33

Quite elegant and, dare I say, groundbreaking. I agree with some of the other comments that there could be a variant with larger icons. In line with Cruciarius's comment above, the black-bar datestamps visually "pop" a little too boldly; softening them with a greyer shade would unify the look.

Excellent, excellent work.

# by dalsor on 11/07/07 at 02:17:25

What font is that? Great work btw.

# by Junpei on 11/12/07 at 00:10:17

I like GAIA low a lot, but my only real complaints are that the margins are just so huge and the time stamps are too big (bigger than the message font size). I could tinker with the CSS myself but I'm not too great at that. :)

# by neilio_x on 12/06/07 at 01:20:31

I like this. using it right now

# by suzykaploozie on 12/11/07 at 00:35:59

I cant get the large header to work for me. The top grey with the user name. Love it, gorgeous, tho.

# by junkiegeek on 06/18/09 at 01:13:54

I also cannot get the header to work or show up. It just a giant gap for me when I use it. Other then that is is really pretty.

# by Keitto on 01/29/08 at 18:06:43

Nice theme, very elegant!

pichfl, can you tell me the name of your theme? I love it, it's so slick! Please, dude, let me know.

# by pichfl on 01/29/08 at 19:24:42

You won't belive that it's called GAIA. Sometimes it might be helpful to read what someone wrote into the description.

# by pichfl on 01/29/08 at 19:24:43

You won't belive that it's called GAIA. Sometimes it might be helpful to read what someone wrote into the description.

# by Keitto on 01/29/08 at 22:39:27

Oops! Hehe, yeah, I need to pay more attention to those little details...

Sorry, and thanks, dude!

Keep up the good work!

# by illjazz on 02/09/08 at 04:57:47

I dig. A lot! Very clean, very easy on the eyes. Some fancy sliding/fading animations would be cool, a la Renkoo, but I actually prefer the look of Gaia over Renkoo simply because the contrast is far better in the former. The contrast in Renkoo is just.. bad.

Good job on this!

# by antonia on 05/24/08 at 18:37:22

Love the whole set!

# by shima on 08/26/08 at 11:50:49

Too bad the away messages are black, if it wouldn't been for that this theme would be great. :(

# by shima on 08/26/08 at 15:36:19

And one more thing! It would be nice if alternive icons could be chosen too.

# by m.rome on 10/03/10 at 04:47:30

is there away to add smooth scrolling to the messages? :(
I've no clue how to do it.

# by bmoez on 08/24/12 at 03:28:18

can i use this theme (main.css + incoming/context.html) on other objects (website, newsletter, ...)?
please what is the licence?

# by pichfl on 08/24/12 at 11:53:51

Design by Imrik, all rights reserved.
Code by me, all rights reserved.

This theme is only available for use with Adium and must not be used in a different context.
You can not use this theme or parts of it for other projects, except with written permission by it's creators,
which I don't grant any longer.

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264.6kb (54657 downloads)

4.00 / 201 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 07/24/07
Imrik for scrap, design and inspiration. Hirogen for mental support.

Thanks to all other members of the release-team for their great work.