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iChat Glossy Milk

iChat Glossy Milk

Submitted By Dylan Hull (Dylan1077)


Definately a work-in-progress. I just found a neat icon I thought would make a perfect Adium dock set, so I threw one together.

If you think you can make it better (chances are you can), feel free to.



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# by ColdFlame87 on 12/26/05 at 03:59:43

Adium does not currently support video, you could maybe change the icon in the bubble from a camera to something more fit to adium...ideas anyone? the status icons also could be more interesting. just my 2 cents..

# by Dylan1077 on 12/26/05 at 06:26:04

Yeah, I know the camera on the icon is not exactly Adium-esque, but I thought without the camera it would just look too much like the Milk icon, and a symbol on the icon I think makes it less...boring, for lack of a better term.

# by ColdFlame87 on 12/26/05 at 04:00:20

this icon has a lot of potential keep up the good work!

# by Dylan1077 on 12/26/05 at 06:22:29

Yeah it definitely does have potential. Unfortunately my skills in the area of dock-icon making are very limited and poor, so I'm hoping a more experienced dock-icon maker will do it proper justice and make an awesome set out of it :)

# by SamGwilym on 12/26/05 at 11:04:14

It's a nice icon, but yes, it does have the problem that it isn't animated in any way, and doesn't really relate to Adium (the video icon - we can hope some time in the future, eh ;)).

However, it is very pretty. :] Perhaps a different motif in the centre would make it better. If you're having trouble with getting used to these icons, download a current Adiumicon pack, and look inside the package contents. Open it up and see how it works. It's pretty easy to get used to.

# by Dylan1077 on 12/26/05 at 18:48:01

Yeah I really would like to see it animated.

I was also trying to think of another symbol I could put in the middle that was Adium or chat related. The duck seems a bit overused....if anyone could think of anything else just say so.

# by Othello on 12/28/05 at 09:54:36

The camera icon looks like a duck head sideways!!! Like it!

# by zaudragon on 12/28/05 at 16:59:57

Woah… that IS pretty cool :D

# by ultraman on 12/28/05 at 17:40:31

This icon is by Susumu Yoshida and I don't think you asked him permission to use it for a dock icon set.
Anyway I don't see any credits to him at all, so just put it offline until you have credits by respect for his works, thanx.

# by Othello on 12/30/05 at 11:27:00

What are you, the graphics police or something? Just tell Susumu and let HIM decide!

# by ultraman on 12/30/05 at 12:46:47

it's your job to ask permission, not mine, and you should ask before you release stuff.
He's my friend and the way you acted shows a lack of respect for people who make icons.
So just at least give credits to him, or I'll warn "the graphic police", "adiums admins" if you prefer.

# by Dylan1077 on 01/23/06 at 21:37:39

My bad about the credits -- I knew what the name of the icon set was, and I searched for the author but had no luck.

Thanks for the reminder.

# by BlackandWhitePenguin on 02/04/07 at 01:36:18

I like it, nice icon.

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Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 12/22/05
'Powered' System Icon Set
By Susumu Yoshida