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Current Webpage

Current Webpage

Submitted By Wengero


This pack of scripts is sort of like the button Insert Link to Safari that comes with adium, but instead of just working with safari these scripts will work with everyones favorite browsers, including:
All you have to is type %(browser name goes here) and a link to the webpage your currently looking at will show up in your chat. No ugly hacks, just the links to your sites.

Comments/suggestions are always welcome.

Now can automaticaly check for your default browser and insert a link for it by using the %current script


Version 1.0-Initial version
Version 1.1-Added default browser automation


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# by zaudragon on 12/06/05 at 01:59:49

Hmmm… now you need the obscure ones:
1. DeskBrowse
2. surfDude
3. Flare
4. AeroBrowser
5. iBrowse
6. Adium :D

# by Wengero on 12/12/05 at 12:01:37

the only browsers on the list i could even find where deskbrowse and surfdude... you sure the others still exist?

# by zaudragon on 12/12/05 at 20:30:13

Haha… Flare and Aerobrowser are in development it seems… and he offers no download. I downloaded both before… what happen? (notice the deliberate Zero Wing reference)

And I seem to remember an iBrowse… wonder what happened?

If you can’t find Adium, then you’re lame (I understand that it isn’t a browser) :D

# by Wengero on 12/12/05 at 20:59:00

found ibrowse and i still cant find this "Adium" of which you speak of

# by evands on 12/06/05 at 16:22:01

Camino and OMniWeb are already supported for 1.0 by the current webpage link toolbar button... how does the firefox one work? I've opened it up and it has and , and it doesn't seem to work for me after pasting the code into another script... but it works fine from within Adium.

# by evands on 12/06/05 at 16:26:18

has "less than less than class curl greater than greater than" and

# by cheesechick on 12/09/05 at 04:11:16

Let's get some Flock love!

# by Wengero on 12/12/05 at 12:00:49

flock support is ready for the next version :D

# by TDLA on 01/09/07 at 18:09:47

Installed and works with Firefox 2.0. I can't get it to work at all for Camino 1.0.3. Any idea?

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29.96kb (2122 downloads)

4.30 / 10 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 12/10/05
Craig Younkins