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Philosopher's Invention Index

Philosopher's Invention Index

Submitted By J S (mediumofmeaning)


150 facts from the website They really aren't that good, but, what can you do? It'll probably have more updates soon, as we work on the site pretty commonly. A slight knowledge of philsophy makes them more humorous, sometimes. Other times, they are completely random, or just not funny. Set off on %_invention
Some examples:
  • Hegel invented the toaster.
  • In 1822, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe mistakenly invented the iPod while trying to conclude his epic FAUST.
  • In a botched attempt to destroy the concept of human autonomy, Hobbes invented the 12 inch subwoofer.
  • Gramsci invented the number 7.


Now 190 Inventions, Changed command to %_inventions. Hopefully it works.


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# by mediumofmeaning on 12/12/05 at 18:32:02

should have a new version up in a day, whenever i add the new facts to the script (such as: "After an eight month gestation period, Natalia Sedova Trotsky gave birth to (thus inventing) subject-verb agreement. The Trotskys later conceived the periphrastic clause, but had it aborted soon after its third trimester.").

keep posted.

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Last Updated: 12/12/05